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newspaper articles January 15-16, 2000

The most wonderful
is our soldier
Click the
picture to read the whole article

His fans saw him on his
Şıkıdım sums
One Turk is worth the world, one Tarkan is worth exactly 26 paying
soldiers... How? Here, the most profitable paying soldiers bill

Army haircut
Tarkan's European

(Are they
trying to call Tarkan spoilt?)

I've missed durum a lot

Tarkan, who has
returned to Turkey to begin his military service, got a haircut on stage
He sang for the earthquake victims

Before the army, a last
from Tarkan

Tarkan's "forgive
me" concert

Haircut on stage

The greatest
soldier is our soldier

He ran to the meatball
The concert was reported by foreign media
Tarkan and his dancers took the audience's breath away
The army haircut suits him well

The ardent wait is over
and Tarkan finally returned home for his military service... but... he
was kissed!
They used his brother as body double
A furor was lived
Tarkan was immediately taken headlong to the military office
Wishing you a speedy
Remaining outside of Turkey for 16 months, Tarkan, soon after his
arrival, met with his fans at the concert given for the benefit
of the
earthquake victims
The music artist will enroll today at the Malatya branch

Solution to the
problem: Tarkan
Mrs. Neşe expended her longing with her son this way
All the girls are in love with him but... his one love is his mother
He enrolls today

A furore was lived at
the concert
They clawed for Tarkan!

The durum was from the
Last tango from Tarkan
Credit goes to the Turkish newspaper Radikal,
Akşam, Hürriyet, Milliyet, Güneş,
Takvim, Star, Asabi and Türkiye of January 15 and 16, 2000.
Translations: Ali Yıldırım, *Alper
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