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sacrificed his hair for his home land |
having stayed 16 months abroad, the Turkish pop star came back to his
home land and enraptured the fans with a spectacular concert, before
enrolling for military service. Bravo had an exclusive interview with him... |
Bravo Magazine
(Germany), January 2000
got an overwhelming acknowledgement in Turkey: 6000 enthusiastic fans
were cheering at the superstar at his benefit performance in Mydonose
Showland in Istanbul. The profits of the concert, about 200.000
US$ are in favor of the earthquake victims. |
Tarkan dedicated his
opening song "Unutmamalı" (Mustn't be forgotten) to
them. Next he sang all of his hits, and the show ended with an
amazing apotheosis: Tarkan got an army haircut backstage! |

Tarkan was
accompanied by
sexy dancers
spectacular show was Tarkan's first concert since 16 months - Tarkan was
prohibited to return to Turkey, as he refused to do his military
service. But everything is straightened out now: at December 7,
1999, Tarkan reported himself to the Turkish consulate in his place of
residence New York, and he spent 7.500 US$ in favor of the earthquake
victims. |
Tarkan's arrival at Istanbul's Atatürk-Airport four days before the
concert came as a shock for his mother Neţe. Immediately after
landing, her youngest son was awaited at the gate by the military police
and taken to the Istanbul town |
Bakirköy, where all the recruits of the region have to sign up.
Only an hour later, Tarkan could take his mother, stepfather
Seyhan, his sister Handan (21) and his brother Hakan (30) into his arms. |
has been arrested!" stated the shocking headlines in some
papers. But the "custody" was just a
"Turkish law
makes people registered in the birthplace of their father",
says Tarkan, who as a Turkish citizen has a "Green
"Also the birth certificates of the children are registered there,
even when they are - like me - born in Germany. As my fathers
birthplace is at the Black Sea, the documents had to be transferred from
there to Istanbul. I have received the documents, that's
all." |

Tarkan's face was
with happiness. Fans wanted to
hear the song "Vazgeçemem" twice

Explosive highlight of the
a running board lowered at "Şeytan
Azapta" (Devil in purgatory), and Tarkan danced in the light of the
fireworks - real diabolical
the start of his military service at January 15, Tarkan stayed in the
Conrad Hotel. "I
didn't want to bother my mother",
he says Tarkan. And excited he adds:
"At nights, I've been standing at my window for hours and hours and
watched the illuminated city Istanbul. I couldn't believe to be
back home again." |
day after the concert, Tarkan started his four weeks military service in
Malatya, in central Anatolia, 800 km from Istanbul. Tarkan says
"I will probably come with some new songs, when I'm making up my
bed in the dormitory, clean the closet, or during military
training." |

Tarkan is the best!
His fans had
to wait since August, 1998 for
this spectacular show


Bravo Magazine, January 2000.
Translated from German by Marleen
