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Salute! |
disappeared after high walls. But, be reassured, he just
surrendered himself to the Malatya casern to fulfill his military
service, before returning to civil life. |
Télé Club Plus Magazine
(France), February 2000
he gave in. For almost a year, Tarkan stood up to the Turkish
military authorities. He refused to do his military service for
pacifism reasons, and because he couldn't take the risk of disappearing
18 months while his career reached a high point. But the star could make
a deal with the army. Having been threatened with loosing his
Turkish citizenship, Tarkan preferred to do a two months military
service.* |
Tarkan returned to his home land, taking the benefit of a new law
concerning the military service. Seems it has been voted for just
for him, which easily could be. From now on, every Turkish man who
wants to escape his military service can do so by fulfilling his two
months and paying for the other 16. A bit of good luck for Tarkan,
who finally at January 10th could set foot on Turkish soil again.
* his military
service only lasted one month |

First part:
Tarkan made the
audience dance with the help of his dancers

Second part:
The soldier to be got an
army haircut. Tarkan wanted to celebrate the event with his fans
upon by a large crowd of fans, while forcing his way through the crowds,
he was awaited by soldiers who immediately led him to the military
authorities office, even before having the chance to hug his mom, who
had missed him so much.
A tough moment for both of them, but it was worth it. Not only had
this development prevented him from loosing his Turkish citizenship, but
it also permitted him to finally give a concert again in Istanbul, in
front of a public that burst into tears. |
last concert before passing by the gates of the Malatya casern.
The evening of January 14th, Tarkan entered the stage surrounded by
light with long hair. Two hours later, after a short break, he reappeared
supporting an army haircut.
The next day, Tarkan said his fans and family goodbye... with a military
salute. Stand easy! soldier Tarkan, the whole world is waiting for
you!!! |


Fans witnessed his metamorphosis. He ended his concert with a hair

Télé Club Plus Magazine, February 2000.
Translated from French by Marleen
