Man accused of stealing nude
Tarkan pictures
Istanbul, Turkey - On
Saturday, June 9th, the police detained a man who has been accused of
stealing pictures who show Tarkan naked and then using them to try and
blackmail him.
The pictures were stolen from Tarkan´s appartment when he was moving
from one building to another in New York. Süleyman Sahin has been accused of stealing the pictures and
blackmailing him. As Tarkan did not bow down to the blackmail of
$250,000, Süleyman sold the pictures for $130,000 to the Turkish media,
afther which they have published in various newspapers, websites, and were shown
on TV.
One of the pictures shows Tarkan and an unidentified man sunbathing naked
on a beach. Another one shows Tarkan and a different man, both
wearing swimming briefs, in an embrace.
The pictures have caused a shock in Turkey, as Tarkan has always insisted
not to be gay.
cnn, various Turkish online magazines
For the past week, Tarkan
has been targeted by the Turkish media. He seems to have stated on
Turkish TV to be bisexual. As homosexuality/bisexuality isn´t
commonly accepted in Turkey, Tarkan decided to leave the country.
I know that most fans will agree with me that, whatever Tarkan´s sexual
preferences might be, it´s his own private life, and he should be able to
live his life the way he wants. No-one has the right to judge
him, no-one has the right to violate his privacy. We all love
him for his wonderful music and his great personality, and we will support
him in whatever way he chooses to live his life.
If you want to support Tarkan, you can leave him a message in the Guestbook
I created regarding this issue. Let´s show him we love and support
him, no matter what!
Take care,
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